Signature Carpet Installation
Signature Flooring has full-time installation crews that are well-trained and efficient. As they work on your project, they are careful to protect the entire project environment by taking above-industry-standard precautions (including shoe coverings).
We have expertise to get the job done right the first time. Signature Flooring is bonded and insured.

Preparing for Carpet Installation
Signature Flooring will keep you informed throughout the whole installation process, but here are some basic steps to get you started.
Your furniture will need to be removed from the installation area.
In many cases, the old flooring will have to be removed to clear space for new carpeting. There may be extra work involved if your old flooring is glued down or set in tile adhesive.
During & After Carpet Installation
An adult member of your household (age 18 or older) should be home to greet the installation crew and show them to the work area. The lead installer will give you a walkthrough of the job and answer any questions you have.
Keep children and pets away from the work area for the duration of the job.
After your carpet is installed, your room will need good ventilation. You can help ensure good air flow by opening up windows, turning on fans and taking other steps to air the room out for about 72 hours.