How to Care for Your Carpet
Even if you don’t have a lot of spare time to devote to your new carpet's care, there are some quick and easy tasks that will do wonders to protect the look and longevity of your carpeting.
Some good preventative maintenance will go a long way to keep your new carpet looking as good as new for years to come!

Carpet Preventative Maintenance & More
Preventative maintenance can mean removing shoes before walking across your new carpeting. Doormats will also help trap dirt in advance.
Regularly vacuum your carpet to remove all of the dirt, dust, and pet hair, crumbs, and allergens. You'll also want to consider the occasional professional cleaning or shampooing.
Dealing with Spills & Stains
Every so often, you'll need to deal with spills and stains, especially if you have kids or pets. Fortunately, a lot of our carpeting comes with stain-resistant technology, which makes it easier to deal with the occasional accident.
Before cleaning up any mess, establish whether it's an oil- or water-based stain. Then, consult your manufacturer's care guide. Some stains will wipe away with a simple cloth while others will require a more comprehensive approach.